How to Use LinkedIn Marketing to Grow Your Business?

With over 900 million members across 200 countries and territories worldwide, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional social media platform. Fundamentally, as you know, LinkedIn helps connect professionals and broaden their network. But while doing that, marketing your business on LinkedIn can contribute to business growth. 

LinkedIn augments digital visibility and amplifies a business’s efforts to grow via networking. Per reports, business marketing on LinkedIn can produce an average of 250-300 percent more leads! Besides, B2B marketers in a survey reported LinkedIn drives 75-80 percent of their leads. If you also want to leverage LinkedIn as a marketing tool, BrainMine, a leading social media agency in Pune, explains how to optimize it.

5 Tips to Optimize LinkedIn Marketing to Grow Your Business – What Does the Leading Social Media Marketing Company in Pune Say?

Marketing on LinkedIn can be fun! Yes. As an experienced social media marketing company in Pune, we’ve seen LinkedIn marketing is challenging yet exciting and fruitful when you do it via professionals and stay consistent in your efforts. Of course, value surely matters in your endeavors to optimize LinkedIn marketing for your business!

Now, how to optimize LinkedIn marketing to grow your business? 

Honestly, you can do as much as you can, based on your objectives, target audience, and competition. But as a trustworthy social media agency in Pune, we’ve identified five essential tips on using LinkedIn marketing for business growth.

  1. Optimize Your Company’s, LinkedIn Page

First things first, optimize your organization’s LinkedIn page. Speak about your company’s values, mission, summary line, vision, purpose, etc., on your page. The idea is to talk about everything possible and vital that highlights your presence and impresses visitors. However, ensure you keep your target audience in mind and a particularly short or long-term objective in mind. For instance, if you are looking to target startups, include taglines, etc., that entice startups and encourage them to contact you.

  1. Add Photos to Your LinkedIn Posts

LinkedIn also is transforming into a visual-first platform. Thus, exclusively textual posts don’t work or prove effective anymore. Besides, since photos are more engaging, LinkedIn’s algorithm prioritizes posts with images or videos. Apart from engagement, since photos occupy a larger screen space, they stand out from the crowd and capture attention. Accordingly, you must consider adding pictures to your posts. 

  1. Leverage LinkedIn’s Engagement Features

LinkedIn offers a range of features that help businesses engage with their target audience in various ways. Be it story-telling or live events, LinkedIn helps business owners covers the need of their prospects. Some features you can use to optimize engagement through LinkedIn include LinkedIn Live, Polls, Reactions, and LinkedIn Stories.

According to LinkedIn, live videos garner 23-25 times more comments than the native ones produced by the same brand. On the other hand, LinkedIn Stories enable companies to share professional updates that keep their followers engaged, their presence fresh, and increase virtual visibility.

Polls are an effective way to determine if people are following you and how well they are responding to your poll posts. The idea is to optimize engagement/ Intriguing polls that encourage people to think and answer serve the purpose.

  1. Add Hashtags to Your Posts

When it comes to social media, we cannot emphasize the significance of adding hashtags to your posts. Hashtags serve as a gateway for new users to discover your content. Thus, it helps to add a few hashtags at the end of every post. 

In some cases where you cannot think of the right hashtags, you can seek help from LinkedIn, which provides suggested tags or a list of trending ones to get your post the quick traction it needs and help it benefit from a particular trend.

Nevertheless, hashtags aren’t as old or established on LinkedIn as they are on Facebook. They are emerging and evolving. Thus, LinkedIn might come up with features focused on helping businesses increase their visibility through hashtags.

  1. Videos!

Videos can help fast-track your growth through LinkedIn. They can be great storytellers and help create a positive vibe about your brand across the LinkedIn space. Besides, video content is easier to consume, creates more engagement, and holds people’s attention for a longer time. Additionally, the longer an individual looks at a video, the more LinkedIn’s algorithm boosts that content to a broader array of audience.

Of course, there’s so much more to do on LinkedIn to grow your business. It must be remembered that increasing engagement and driving business growth on LinkedIn takes time. One cannot quantify the amount of time required to grow a business through LinkedIn. But as far as our experience as a reliable and responsible social media marketing company in Pune goes, factors like consistent efforts and continued value can come to fruition and help you steer business growth through LinkedIn marketing.

BrainMine can help you do it. Please write to us at to learn more about our LinkedIn marketing proposition.