How to Optimize Your Anchor Text Strategy For SEO?

Anchor text is a clickable text of a link. Usually, it is underlined and colored blue.

Anchor text is a ranking factor that provides additional information about a particular linked page. Besides, anchor text royally affects the site’s search appearance.

Google considers anchor texts a way to create title links on SERPs.

Additionally, as many SEO professionals have observed, anchor text can help get featured snippets and enhanced results on SERPs.

Now that you’ve got an overview of anchor text’s significance, BrainMine, a reliable SEO agency in Pune, explains how you can optimize your anchor text for SEO.

Types of Anchor Texts

At the outset, let’s look at a few types of anchor texts.

  • Exact-Match: This anchor text exactly matches your target keyword.
  • Branded: This involves using a brand name as an anchor.
  • Naked Link: Here, the anchor text is the link itself.
  • Call to Action: In these cases, the CTA is used as an anchor text.
  • Partial-Match: This anchor text includes words other than keywords.

Optimizing Anchor Text Strategy

Here are some strategies to optimize your anchor text.

1. Avoid Keyword Stuffing

Stuffing the anchor text with keywords and over-optimizing it could be tempting. But avoid doing that. It is because keyword-stuffed anchor text appears unappealing to users. Google also abhors keyword stuffing!

2. Make the Anchor Text Descriptive

Anchor text is looked at as a relevance signal. Hence, it should be relevant and descriptive. Your anchor text should clearly inform the user what the page is about. For instance, here’s how to take a screenshot on a laptop could be a link that clearly says what the anchor text is about.


3. Be Mindful About the Surrounding Text

Surrounding text may be just as crucial as the anchor text. If you use too much of general anchors, your surrounding text should have the right context for search engines. Nevertheless, your annotation text should ideally have a target keyword.

4. Conduct a Regular of the Backlinks’ Anchor Text

Regular audits of the backlinks and their anchor texts will help ensure that your website’s backlink profile remains healthy. Using the same keywords or spammy anchor texts could indicate negative SEO. A regular audit can help you identify such issues.

5. Audit the Internal Anchor Texts

Conducting an audit of the internal anchor texts at least once in a while helps a lot. It can help you identify issues like non-related anchor texts, non-descriptive, no anchor, etc. A thorough audit can help you recognize the problem and fix it instantaneously.


6. Enhance the Text’s Appeal

Anchors that don’t catch attention or are boring are practically useless. People won’t click on them if they don’t make any sense. Hence, you must minimize naked links and generic anchor texts. Try to deliver some visible value to the user if you genuinely want them to click and explore the link.

For instance, instead of using the word ‘here’ and hyperlinking it, use a description. So, rather than saying, for the best SEO trends 2023, click here, you may say, explore SEO trends 2023 to decide your SEO strategy.

It doesn’t take a herculean effort to write an enticing link. It is an approach that really helps and increases the website’s engagement.

7. The First Link Priority

Going by a general opinion, if you have two links on a particular webpage linking to the same resource, search engines only count the first one. Thus, if you want your webpage to rank for a particular keyword, use it as an anchor in the first link itself.

Now, this isn’t entirely accurate. But some extent of experimentation with the help of an SEO agency in Pune can help you explore how the thing works.

We hope the above was adequately insightful. Connect with BrainMine, if you’ve been looking for an effective SEO strategy, comprehensive support on anchor tags, etc. Our experts keep up with the latest SEO trends 2023 and follow the best SEO practices to help you achieve competitive rankings across various search engines. Please email us at info@brainminetech.comto learn more about our SEO strategy and support.